Supply chain

We are committed to build a complete and integrated value chain for green compressed hydrogen stored in containers, enabling safe and cost-efficient transport and delivery of hydrogen containers both over short and long distances, on- and offshore.

This virtual flexible pipeline for green hydrogen will ensure that green compressed hydrogen can be delivered to customers and end-users located both nearby and far away from our production sites. The key is to store and transport large numbers of containers in one load to deliver hydrogen at cost-competitive prices. For long distances seaborn transport of hydrogen containers is our preferred and unique solution. For medium and short distances we will use trains and trucks. It is critical for us to optimize the effectiveness and ensure safety in the supply chains.

Gen2 Energy supply chain, vessels and train


The core component of our green hydrogen value chain will be the containers. We have established partnerships and collaborations with key suppliers to design and develop containers approved for storage and transport of compressed hydrogen on vessels, trains and trucks. We aim to make it possible to track, survey, and monitor the containers and the hydrogen in the containers at all times.

Large-scale, flexible delivery

For Gen2 Energy, it is essential to transport and deliver containerized green hydrogen in large volumes. Export of green hydrogen to Europe is our key focus. To ensure delivery reliability and flexibility we will use both train and vessel for transport of large numbers of containers.


Gen2 Energy aims to offer a green hydrogen plug-and-play delivery solution, where the customer and Gen2 Energy will monitor the use and predict when a replacement container is needed. When a storage unit is close to empty, we and our partner network will supply a replacement unit.

Our goal is to work with our customers to facilitate an optimal solution for their needs. Every country and customer is unique – and with a combination of our plug-and-play solution and customer customization, we will deliver Hydrogen-as-a-Service.

Green guarantee

Gen2 Energy aims to supply a certificate of origin for all green hydrogen produced at our facilities to document that our green hydrogen is 100 percent emission-free. There are several initiatives in the EU on this subject. Gen2 Energy is connecting with these to align with relevant international regulatory and market standards.

The Gen2 Energy Hydrogen Value Chain

Gen2 Energy AS, Raveien 205, 3184 Borre, Norway. Besøksadresse Oslo: Lilleakerveien 6D