Production sites in progress

Gen2 Energy’s planned production sites are in the near vicinity of some of the largest renewable energy sources in Norway. These will provide continuous access to cost-efficient renewable energy.

At the moment, Gen2 Energy is working with the following production projects:

Mosjøen in Helgeland region

Gen2 Energy plans to build two production facilities for large scale production and shipping of green hydrogen, one in the Nesbruket area and one in the Holandsvika area. Both areas are now prepared for hydrogen production. Gen2 Energy plans to start production of green hydrogen in 2027 with the presumption that all necessary approvals are in place.

Åfjord in Trøndelag region​

Åfjord in Trøndelag region

We have secured the industrial site Monstad Havneområde in Åfjord to build a production facility for green hydrogen, as well as gain access to quay facilities for the transport of green hydrogen to relevant markets in Europe and Norway. Gen2 Energy plans to build a plant that ensures large-volume production of green hydrogen.

Always searching for locations

In addition, Gen2 Energy is continuously and systematically searching for locations for hydrogen production in all parts of Norway based on a set of defined criteria. Easy access to low-priced and trapped power, deep seaport, clean water, sufficient land for production and storage area for containers, are the key criteria.

Our goal is to have a portfolio of production sites that can secure a large-scale production capacity of up to 1 GW within the next five to six years.

A production capacity of 100 MW will produce approximately 45 tons of hydrogen daily. Our containers are planned to contain 850 kg hydrogen which gives a production volume of 53 containers daily. When our goal is achieved, a production capacity of 1 GW will give a container volume of 530 containers daily.

From an energy perspective, one container containing 850 kg of hydrogen is equal to 28 000 kWh of electricity. This amount of energy powers the heating needs of 1.4 households per year, or lets you drive a petrol-powered car 46 000 km.

Contact us if you have available sites for hydrogen production that matches the key location criteria above.

850 kg of hydrogen is equal to 28 000 kWh of electricity

Gen2 Energy AS, Raveien 205, 3184 Borre, Norway. Besøksadresse Oslo: Lilleakerveien 6D