

Gen2 Energy’s goal is to become a large-scale producer of green hydrogen based upon renewable energy. All production sites are planned at locations where there is available large amounts of renewable energy and sufficient energy supply over the course of our staged rollout.

The process

Our green hydrogen will be produced by electrolysis. To produce hydrogen, we split water into hydrogen and oxygen, and we have secured enough water at good quality to meet our production volume goals at our sites.


We are designing and constructing smart containers with our partner. The smart containers will be monitored for safety reasons and tracked for efficiency. Gen2 Energy will also monitor usage for optimized delivery. The storage units are 40” containers that can be transported by ships, rail or by road. With our plug-and-play system the containers can be used as fuel tank for fuel cells or direct feed into energy systems.

Delivery and use

Our plug-and-play containers will be equipped with systems allowing the customer to monitor the use of hydrogen from our storage units in near real time and order a replacement unit on demand – or automatically. The customer will have access to all safety data from the transport and see the certificate of origin for clean green hydrogen on the unit.

Gen2 Energy AS, Raveien 205, 3184 Borre, Norway. Besøksadresse Oslo: Lilleakerveien 6D