ESG Policy for Gen2 Energy


Gen2 Energy seeks to ensure that all operations are environmentally sound. We are dedicated to acting ethically, responsibly, and profitably in everything we do.

Gen2 Energy has a particular focus on safety and security in all handling of hydrogen, both within our operational areas and in the public domain. In the assessment and selection of new and existing business practices and areas,

Gen2 Energy integrates consideration of all impacts on the environment, including climate issues and social, safety, and ethical issues. Gen2 Energy is committed to being transparent regarding all issues covered by these principles.

ESG illustration


Gen2 Energy’s operating entities strive to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and aim to follow best industry practices.

By ensuring our own environmentally sustainable operations and by providing services and products that allow our customers to be sustainable, Gen2 Energy is an industrial company that is a vital part of the climate challenge solution.


Gen2 Energy is an equal opportunities employer. We respect fundamental human rights, labor rights, and union engagement, and provide our employees with good, healthy, and safe working conditions.

Furthermore, Gen2 Energy is committed to ensuring that our operating entities contribute positively to the communities in which they operate by developing businesses, encouraging innovation, and enhancing collaboration.


Gen2 Energy strives to professionalize the governance model through our board work and aims to follow Invest Europe’s Corporate Governance Guidelines.

Gen2 Energy will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in the markets we operate in, including environmental, labor, anti-corruption, and anti-money laundering laws, rules, and regulations.

Gen2 Energy is committed to high ethical standards being maintained by all our employees and operating entities.

Gen2 Energy AS, Raveien 205, 3184 Borre, Norway. Besøksadresse Oslo: Lilleakerveien 6D